At-Risk Project Recovery

Tight timelines. Competing initiatives. Missed milestones. Limited resources and overwhelmed teams. These are just a few of the many reasons a project can get off track. If your project is in jeopardy (or might soon be) your next decision could be your most important to date.

With a proven history of helping organizations turn at-risk projects into success stories, the experienced project managers at Stratdel can quickly and seamlessly integrate with your team, define immediate needs, uncover core deficiencies, establish clear objectives and milestones, and bring the team together to work toward a common goal.

Tight timelines. Competing initiatives. Limited resources. These are just a few of the reasons a project can get off track, and if yours is in jeopardy, your next decision could be your most important to date.

With a proven history of helping organizations turn at-risk projects into success stories, Stratdel project managers can help you uncover core deficiencies, establish clear objectives, and bring your team together to work toward a common goal.

Providing Solutions – Each Step of the Way

When the success of your project is at risk, the one thing you don’t have is time. That’s why it’s important that a consultant stepping in midstream is able to quickly and easily understand and dive into your existing project management methodology. And if a methodology is not in place, the option that best fits the scope of your project – one that helps your team to translate, plan and execute strategies – should be implemented right away.

A core strength at Stratdel – what gives us the ability to help you with your ailing project – lies in our base of knowledge. It’s a deep well of experience you and your team can depend on to help provide guidance, offer solutions and deliver on promises. Our team’s specific experience with at-risk projects also allows us to come into a challenging situation, assess and pinpoint issues and offer up an alternative course of action. In short, we provide you with a roadmap and a guide to get your project back on track and on the road to success.

When the success of your project is at risk, one thing you don’t have is time. That’s why it’s important that a consultant stepping in, midstream, has the skills necessary to provide guidance, offer solutions and deliver on promises.

Stratdel has extensive experience with at-risk projects, allowing our PMs to come into a challenging situation, pinpoint issues and provide a plan to get your project back on the road to success.

The Value of Teamwork

A consultant coming in from the outside can be concerning to your in-house team. Will this person understand how we work? Can we trust them to be the keeper of sometimes proprietary information? And just as important, can we trust them to prioritize our best interests and value our experience?

We understand these concerns. It’s the very reason we’re so committed to building a team at Stratdel made up of individuals who embody every one of our core values. With a focus on communication, honesty and approachability, we believe the most effective leaders are people-focused, and we don’t believe one size fits all. Just as each project is different, so are the companies we work with – and their cultures and team members. It is our responsibility to find the right balance, to foster trust and to rally team members to work together towards a common goal.

A consultant coming in from the outside can be concerning to your in-house team. Will this person understand how we work? Can we trust them to prioritize our best interests and value our experience?

We understand these concerns, and it’s the reason we built a team made up of individuals who embody each of our core values. Just as each project is different, so are the companies we work with, and it’s our responsibility to find the right balance, foster trust and rally team members to work together towards a common goal.

At-Risk Project Recovery Experience

The team at Stratdel includes accomplished project leaders with experience in:

Project Types

  • Product-to-Market Commercialization
  • Supply Chain Optimization
  • Business, IT and Digital Transformation
  • ERP Planning and Deployment
  • Merging Operations and Systems
  • Business Process Engineering
  • Strategy Development
  • Mergers and Acquisitions


  • Modern Project Methodologies
  • Strategic Planning and Tactical Scheduling
  • Collaborative Team Management
  • Risk Management
  • Best Practice Project Controls
  • Integrated Change Management
  • Performance and Health Metrics
  • Cost Management

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Houston, TX


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