
Six Traits Successful Project Managers Share

In the world of project management, there are as many approaches, methodologies and personalities as there are projects. And depending on the type and scope of a particular project, the skills necessary to effectively manage it, from start to finish, can vary greatly.

There are, however, core traits that the most successful project managers share. If you’re in the market for a project leader who can keep it all on track and motivate your team in the process, keep reading. Identifying a manager who encompasses all of the below traits can potentially set you up for smooth sailing throughout the life of your project.


If you’re searching for a project manager (PM) for an in-house or contract position, communication skills should be at the top of your list of must-haves. Your PM is the filter through which all information flows on your project, and a keen and natural ability to connect with, and speak the same language as executives, management and team members, can help ensure a predictable and smooth project progression.

Just as important, a good communicator inspires and encourages team members, bringing honesty, clarity and well-crafted solutions to the table when challenging situations arise. They possess a good mix of strategic and tactical abilities – effectively communicating the big picture (including your vision, goals and potential roadblocks), while also relaying necessary details and updates through reports, presentations and daily interactions.


Without effective day-to-day leadership, a project can go sideways, quick. Project managers that consistently reach goals and deliver results are those with the ability to marry strategy with daily tasks, develop plans with achievable timelines, and recognize and utilize the unique skills of their team members. 

On a daily basis, PMs are bombarded with often conflicting information and opinions. An experienced leader can quickly analyze data and identify the best course of action – aligning next steps with agreed-upon milestones and overarching project goals. And the most important leadership quality, of course, is the ability to support and motivate teams. The best of the best walk alongside those they lead, offering guidance, earning trust and creating an atmosphere that sets the team, and its individual members, up for success. When you find the person who possesses these traits, don’t delay bringing them on board. If you’re unsure, check references. Due diligence on the front end can help ensure the best fit for your project and you team.

Team Management

Team management involves more than leading status meetings and coordinating training sessions. It’s about relationships, recognition and appreciation. When employees are recognized for their strengths; when their hard work is noticed and rewarded, everyone wins – the employee, the manager and ultimately, the organization as a whole.

We’ve all heard the saying, “People don’t quit jobs. They quit managers.” If you’ve had a terrible manager (and most of us have), this statement certainly resonates. And there is truth to it, but people also leave their jobs…oftentimes due to missed opportunities by otherwise well-intentioned, but poorly-trained managers.

According to (a still very relevant) 2018 article in the Harvard Business Review, “People leave jobs, and it’s up to managers to design jobs that are too good to leave. Great bosses set up shields — they protect their employees from toxicity. They also open doors to meaningful tasks and learning opportunities — they enable their people to be energized by their projects, to perform at their best, and to move forward professionally without taking steps backward at home.”

In your search for a project manager, look beyond the required operational and administrative skills (setting goals, delegating tasks, resolving conflict and evaluating performance) and seek out a leader who will motivate, inspire and walk alongside your employees.

Risk Management

Identifying and managing risk is an art that the most successful PMs have mastered. Throughout the life of your project, there will be surprises. It’s an unavoidable reality. But a seasoned manager with a keen ability to envision potential challenges can help to limit the possibility. And when the unavoidable does arise, he or she can minimize the potential impact by drawing from previous experience and in-place, customized risk mitigation plans.

“Good PMs are always on the lookout for risk – and how to mitigate it,” says Stratdel Owner/CEO, Austin Gilbert. “Once a risk is identified, the root cause should be evaluated, teams should align on a solution, and the best course of action should be implemented immediately. You don’t hide from risk. You confront it head-on, helping to minimize the impact or even stop it from occurring.”

With a PM in place to ask the right questions, identify risks early and provide quick and effective solutions, your team has the best chance possible of delivering a successful project, on time and on budget.


No secret here. Organization is a critical component to successful project management. From planning and tracking short-term milestones to envisioning and documenting long-term initiatives, the ability to both prioritize tasks and anticipate the unknown are key traits to look for in a potential project manager.

Another important component to project organization is the ability to identify and utilize the most efficient and effective project management tools. Asana. Basecamp. Smartsheet. Trello. Microsoft Teams. Organizational tools are rapidly changing and evolving, and the choices are endless. Successful project managers, today, have a keen interest in evolving technologies and an ability to choose the platform that best fits your needs. Coupling modern technology with time-tested organizational skills, a great project manager can help you and your team simplify the process of planning and tracking your project, from start to finish.


Projects have a lot of moving parts. In a perfect world, one milestone would end, and another would begin. Preferably with time for a breather in between. But we don’t live in a perfect world, and tasks and goals often overlap as unforeseen events occur, like delayed manufacturing, technology breakdowns, customer changes in requirements, or the departure of a key team member.

As a project progresses, your team’s list of responsibilities grows. You need a PM who can remain calm under pressure, adapt to an ever-changing environment, prioritize next steps and keep your team focused on the tasks at hand. When every request is a “must have now,” a successful PM manages expectations, protects his or her team from the chaos, and keeps the vision and goals in mind throughout the process. The recipe is simple. Prioritize. Execute. Repeat. With a seasoned leader to cut through the noise, that recipe can stay simple – throughout every stage of the project.

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